

Finance tracking & management


Subtrakd is a product that helps people track and manage, adjust and deactivate unwanted payments like subscriptions, bills and more, all from one location.


The pain-points identified are missed notifications, canceling unwanted payments and upcoming renewals across multiple accounts.

The goals identified are reviewing upcoming payments, unsubscribing from unwanted payments and being alerted to automatic payments.


How can we provide a comprehensive view of people's recurring payments and auto-renewals to adjust future spending habits?



Give people the ability to easily view, edit, deactivate and track their spending habits for all recurring payments across multiple accounts.

Subrakd-LF Subrakd-HF

My role

My focus for Subtrakd was to provide existing users a way to view all of their upcoming payments from multiple accounts as well as options for deleting unwanted payments and adjusting notifications.  Subtrakd uses a customized interface design created for mobile platforms in Sketch and Invision Studio.

  • Modified an existing UI kit into high-fidelity wireframes and prototype
  • Conducted user research to highlight pain-points and define user flows
  • Hosted a screener survey and user interviews to inform personas
  • Created a site map and wireframes for mobile platorms
  • Developed multiple iterations of functioning prototypes
  • Conducted user testing for each prototype iteration

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